Fall 2019
|You know DC, somewhere awesome!
DC #1 - Climate Cocktail Club
Yes... this is not a typo... Climate Cocktail Club is heading over the pond to Washington DC. Inspired by the leadership of our newest Chapter Head - Kristi Knudson. RSVP now for the first CCC event in North America!
Time & Location
Fall 2019
You know DC, somewhere awesome!
About the event
Take one for the Climate Cocktail Club DC! Prepare for the dark nights ahead with a cocktail (or beer, wine, mixer, juice, water...) in hand!
DC is a place that would inspire even the dullest skeptic on what can be achieved when people work together (perhaps more successfully in the past!). As the geographic face of US decision making, what better place to bang the drum for climate action and enthuse a network of sustainability leaders and activists. Roll on Climate Cocktail Club DC #1!
More information on the event will follow... for now please RSVP, hold the date in your diary and SPREAD the word... CCC is coming!
We are looking for event partners to help fund the costs of hosting the event - if your business is interested in supporting and partnering with us please reach out!! CCC cannot happen without the financial support of partners! info@climatecocktailclub.org